until it struck me that he doesn't have one. I have loaned the first two books to a friend so I couldn't check back on any plot points to understand what Grey's claim was. This is where I make a case for recaps at the start of a book à la Jay Kristoff's Nevernight Chronicle. We return to Emberfall and Syhl Shallow as the 60-day clock ticks down to when Grey plans to invade Emberfall and claim his rightful place on Emberfall's throne. I really didn't enjoy AHSFAB but I was so invested in the characters and confident in BK's writing ability that I still managed to look forward to this. I'm so sad that this story became a series when it should have remained a standalone. Oh, and watching Rhen getting cucked into oblivion made my blood boil.

The tl dr is that: Every character in this book is an idiot. Yet, let the record reflect that I loved ACSDAL. What the actual fuck? Did I read the same book as everyone else? Fair warning, this is a super long, ranty and spoilery review.